Archive for June 18th, 2013

Dangerous South Windsor Spot Leads to Fatal Car Wreck

According to the Hartford Courant, two teens were injured and three teens recently killed in a devastating car accident. The crash took place at a spot that has been dubbed “the kid’s spot,” by locals.  Unfortunately, the teens may have been engaging in a dangerous joyride at the time the accident happened.

Our Hartford car accident lawyers know that teens are always at high risk of car accidents and that car wrecks are a top cause of fatalities for young people. Unfortunately, one of the prime reasons why teenagers are more likely to die in car accidents is because they often take dangerous risks.

Dangerous Driving Behavior May Have Led to Fatal Wreck

According to the Courant, a 19-year-old South Windsor teen was driving a 2003 Ford Explorer with four friends inside of the vehicle. The car left the road and hit a tree in a wooded area between nearby homes.  The car was reportedly torn up, with debris strewn in a field near to the crash site. The 19-year-old driver, and a 17-year-old and 16-year-old passenger were all injured. Two other teens were killed.

Investigators have still not released information about the cause of the accident or determined why it occurred. However, the police chief indicates that speeding was a factor in causing the wreck.

Despite the lack of official information, however, the father of a 15-year-old passenger in the car who was killed in the crash believes that he knows why the accident happened. He said that he, himself, had been in a crash at that same spot almost 25-years earlier and that he believes that his daughter’s accident occurred for the same reason that his did more than two-decades ago.

His speculation is that his own crash, and his daughter’s, were both caused as a result of the car speeding over a large bump in the road. The bump has become known as “the kid’s spot,” because kids enjoy going over it for fun. Kids can speed over the bump, catching air when they go over the raised portion of the hilly roads. This is seen by some teens as an enjoyable pastime and a great place to joyride.

While the police have not said whether the bump played a role in causing the accident, it is likely that it did so. Unfortunately, this is a tragic coincidence that father and daughter were both in accidents in the same location while engaged in the same dangerous behavior. The recent accident, of course, was much worse because two teens lost their life while the victims’ father had survived his youthful joyride.

Unfortunately, kids make dangerous choices behind the wheel all the time, including going out and looking for thrills that can create a serious risk of a fatal accident.  This is especially true during the summer months when kids are off from school, which is why the period from Memorial Day to Labor Day is generally known as the “100 deadliest days” for teen drivers.  Parents need to be aware of these risks and could potentially help to prevent tragedies from occurring by talking to their teens and supervising their driving behavior as carefully as possible. Likewise, municipalities have an obligation to fix road defects 0r other known road dangerous that may lead to or contribute to a serious or fatal traffic collision.

If you were injured in a car accident, contact the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone & Morelli, by calling  1-800-WIN-WIN-1.